Expanding the location limits of your suppliers can bring benefits to your company, such as in terms of costs, as well as quality and product differentiation. To ensure full potential exploration, it is important to have highly skilled consultant professionals to assist you in all the necessary procedures involved in the import process, so that it can be as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Grupo Map Business operates on several fronts, representing its clients in business negotiations, selecting the best suppliers, following the entire product process of arriving to Brazil, also conducting the proceedings of tax incentives, when applicable, such as Ex-Tariff and Drawback. We also offer the benefit of import by the Special DIAT Regime, in which using the services of our trading, we offer to our client a reduction on the ICMS (A State tax that varies depending your industry and State in which you are doing business) from 17% to a lower rate, which varies between 4% and 10%.
Below are some of the processes in which Grupo Map offers consulting service:​
Feasibility analysis
Suppliers selection
Survey of necessary licenses
Samples receipt and analysis
Customs clearance services
Tax and logistics study
Guidance on product nationalization