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Grupo Map Business

What is a group?
As the dictionary says for being a set of something. Entrepreneur Alessandra Marcelino mirrored this concept and named her group of companies Grupo Map Business. Each company is individualized and follows the flow with its employees and partners independent of each company, thus not being an economic group managed by law.
Through her expertise, Alessandra Marcelino traced her trajectory without any investor and today she has not only knowledge but prestige in the area in which she operates.
Allied to strategic and structured thinking, this businesswoman has brought and continues to bring to the market skills and ideas that are often obvious, but which have not been applied by hundreds of entrepreneurs seeking to internationalize their brand.
"Being in this moment, in this place, and on this screen as you read what I've written is a thank you in itself.
Having you as a customer would be ecstasy for any entrepreneur.
Entrepreneurship is a task that for many can be difficult or even impossible, but for me, it has always been something that instigated me to get to know products, people, the world, perspectives.
Curious in essence and creative on a daily basis, my clients' demands for new services have always been the target point in improving my work. So, I created this business center so that instead of being a service provider, we are part of your strategic team. Welcome to my world!
The Map Business Group is an international business center, Come and be part of it and take your product to the world."
Because we are protected by confidentiality clauses with our clients, we reserve not to disclose them, but in case of interest, we will be happy to detail the methodology of the projects already executed, where we have had great success in generating value for all of them. Below some segments with which we already work:
Alcoholic Beverage
Beauty Products
Fashion Clothes & Acessories
Lingerie & Underwear